The WIIIC for Fair Legal Treatment -

Evidence Based.


"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."




"Shame and silence are cousins"

A Global Detective Institute - Agency
Private Detective - Private Investigator - Privat Detektiv - Sweden USA China Russia Germany Stockholm Berlin Moscow Beijing New York Evidence Proof Lawyer Private Investigator Private Detective USA CHINA SWEDEN NORWAY DENMARK FINLAND Computer Forensics Germany RUSSIA BERLIN MOSCOW Stockholm New York Dallas Miami Beijing Shanghai Peking 

Internet security, computer security, computer forensics, wirtschaftsspionage, claes ekman 

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." Sweden Denmark Finland Norway Stockholm Berlin Hamburg Germany Ukraine Russia China Holland USA CHINA RUSSIA SWEDEN GERMANY CHINA COMPUTER FORENSICS
Private Detective Private Investigator Evidence Proof USA China France Germany Russia Sweden Proof Evidence



The International Intelligence Institute of Commerce acts as an Independent

Dispute Resolution Center, also carrying out Forensic Audits, Enhanced Due

Diligence, Impairment Tests and Computer Forensics.


These unbiased and impartial services are provided in addition to the Institute 

authenticating legal evidence for proof demonstrations in courts worldwide.


The Academic Research and Education Group, hosted by the Institute,

specializes in Intellectual Property and Patented Technology, as well as in SME

affairs throughout Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia.

International Private Detective, Private Investigator, Walhallen, Evidence, Proof, Sweden-Stockholm, USA-New York, Dallas, Miami, Chicago-China, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai-France, Paris, Germany, Hamburg, berlin, Poland, Warsaw, Ukraine, Kiev, Russia, Moscow, Sweden, Stockholm
Read the interview with Private Detective - Private investigator Claes Ekman in academic journal "Civilekonomen".
Read the interview with Private Detective Claes Ekman  - "when lawyers and police won't suffice" - in business magazine / 
academic journal "Civilekonomen".


-Charles Dickens, novelist.

Global Emergency Investigator Telephone-s:

+46 730 983 700 (Europe-Middle East-Africa)

+1 205 2583 700 (North-South America-Asia)

+380 737 583 700 (Russia-Ukraine)



Private Detective - Private Investigator - Evidence
Walhallen Private Detective Accountant at work.
Walhallen (Private Detective) Group is a licensed private detective firm with
offices/associates in nine countries [USA-Brazil-France-Germany-Sweden-Ukraine-
Russia-China-Kenya] and ten cities [New York-Dallas-São Paolo-Paris-Berlin-
Stockholm-Kiev-Moscow-Beijing-Nairobi]. We specialise as private fraud/finance/business/matrimonial/commerce/industry investigator-s / detective-s. 
Walhallen's professional experience in security and investigations, and its global reach -
geographically, the most extensive amongst private detective / private investigator firms -
allows it to advise its clients in ways which are unique in the private detective industry. 

For private detective / private investigator inquiries in north/northwest/northeast Europe,
i e Sweden-Scandinavia, Germany, Ukraine, Holland, England, Poland, Russia etc,
please visit and contact us at
For private detective / private investigator inquiries in USA, Brazil, China, France,
Italy etc, i e global private detective / private investigator assignments, please visit and
contact us at

Charles Dickens, novelist.

New York--Dallas-São Paolo-Paris-Berlin-Stockholm-Kiev-Moscow-Beijing-Nairobi

                                                                                                                                                                           1st January MMXXI

Dear Corporate Citizen!
After thirty years of international business / industry experience, we have chosen to concentrate and develop our private
 / finance detective firm, assisting companies, individuals and organisations – with an emphasis on commerce and finance
 – in Scandinavia and northeast Europe, also into the Americas, southwest Europe, Africa and Asia.
Winston Churchill quipped that “America will do the right thing – once it has exhausted all other opportunities;" and it is
wildly dangerous to assume that Russia’s future will simply be an extrapolition of its present, when even Russians
say it is impossible to predict anything in their country – even the past; and the eurozone is confronted with a crisis of
not just labor costs and prices – but of culture and work ethics, despite some of its members having pockets as deep as the
Mariana Trench.
Surely politicians recognize that entrepreneurs accept levels of risk that no rational person would contemplate, albeit
most people want one thing more than even love– peace of mind.

Decline is not a condition, but a choice and instead of letting out a cri du coeur and eating humble pie, we would like to

see finance less proud and industry more secure.


The first imperative must be to restore security; without security, running a business successfully, is like having

“turtle soup without the turtle”.


In extremis, amid global financial and trade conflicts, a self-sufficient America might see things occur that have not
occurred before, although they have occurred in Europe, albeit [America] might confound the unusual with the abstruse.

Being able to develop Walhallen Finance / Private Detectives into a truly integrated, global and robustly competent

group is a privilege, and this mainly due to having the opportunity of gathering the most talented private
investigators / detectives available: from Russia-Ukraine-Germany-Sweden-Norway-France-China-USA-Kenya and Brazil..


Our private detectives, from armed forces-intelligence services-business-academia, will convincingly add value to customers

and clients with positive terra firma ambitions for years ahead – and, not only in their own countries, albeit worldwide, which is
our factual modus vivendi: A Global Private Finance and Business Detective, specialising in industrial undercover work
and counterindustrial espionage, including advanced Technical Surveillance CounterMeasures (TSCM) and computer forensics.


“Trade follows the flag”, declared Cecil Rhodes, and as globalization forces many companies to move strategic assets abroad,

even to another continent – terra nullius / no man’s land, there is a need to be en garde, if not actually aux armes. However,
the Mafia - the Mob - the Cosa Nostra - the Camorra - the 'Ndrangheta - the Yakuza, and other criminal groups are cunning,
no more.
Formidable as they might be, Mafia button-men do not have the intelligence training of a professional private detective / private
investigator, and are tabby cats next to panthers in this particular jungle.
In contacts with these, and other monstra horrendum - before contacting private detectives / private investigators - I
would paraphrase Theodore Roosevelt: "Speak softly, but carry a big stick." Often, when you want adult behaviour, treat
people like babies; while we believe humans are rational, their behaviour is constantly the opposite. To be beaten by one
of your own is not as bad as be beaten by a foreign one, however, and roaring like a mouse, fighting like a flea singing
“Give me your arm, old toad; Help me down Cemetary Road” would make us appear useful idiots. A proper attitude can
turn a burden to a blessing, a trial to a triumph.

Being part of a diapora in dire straits, one can be comfortable imagining existing alongside an independent judiciary rather
than in a smash’n grab society – Raubwirtschaft. However, possession is nine tenths of the law, and with foreign officials
reasoning – “I am with my brother against a cousin, and with my cousin against a stranger”, many bona fide intentions
will be jeopardized.
Growth and developing economies hide a thousand sins, and with the cruel clarity afforded by distance, you might realize
you have interests rather than friends. For example, the recent murder of a middle-aged (41 year-old) British
businessman – supposedly Aston Martin’s representative in Beijing – and a close friend of one of China’s fourteen most
powerful politicians (Bo Xilai-now imprisoned), adds an international dimension to this country’s most serious political
upheaval in two decades, and exposes uncomfortable truths about how business and politics are conducted in the world’s
second-largest economy.


In this area of the world your enemy's enemy is probably your enemy too.


Always use international, experienced private detective-s / private investigator-s in developing / transition economy

countries when you need fast, accurate and reliable CCCI [Control-Command-Communication-Intelligence]. There are effective

and efficient bureaus beyond Walhallen - that we can recommend - for a great many lesser undertakings.


Too tough a bargaining for low private detective / private investigator retainer fees could cost you dearly,

indeed - nota bene! - more precious things.


The verb corrumpere means destroy in Latin, and having seen that [corruption], as plaintiffs’ private detective in commercial

and criminal courts numerous times, we agreed to co-found The International Intelligence Institute of Commerce
( The Principal Investigator of WIIIC welcomes any information of corruption, grand thefts, miscarriages of
justice etc. “Shame and silence are cousins” – right?


The Institute will be able to provide unbiased Independent Business Resolutions’ Schemes, lightening the burden of

courts-prosecutors-lawyers-accountants, who often miss the “red flags” that a private detective detects, as well as carry
out Forensic Audits and Impairment Tests; and this in addition to hosting an academic research and education group focusing
on Intellectual Property and Patented Technology.


The Romans used to assess situations metaphorically, e g: Cum catapultae proscripta erunt, tum soli proscript catapultas

habebunt – "When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults". Their reasoning implies “rules replace common
sense and reason”.


In a fair and just society, with archaic European and American legal practices – often hiding behind procedure – and

an international institutional machinery that grinds along at a pace that would shame snails, preparedness is the key to
success and victory. Western governments also often “piggy-back” on existing national investigations rather than undertake
their own probes, creating “double jeopardy” by triggering separate prosecutions of the same case in different jurisdictions.

You learn in my business there aren't any rules, whether in corporate or child custody cases, divorce or alimony cases; 

you are dealing with infinitely variable factors - the human heart and mind. My role is not to have a formula, and 

not to take one single thing for granted. It is my business to know what other people do not know...


There are truths which are not for all men, nor for all times; albeit, to a great mind nothing is little, and the humbler 

of our private detective / private investigator clients are usually the more interesting. Characterizing sought-after 

information as elementary does not, of course, imply that it is easy to get or even that it is a simple matter.



                                                                                - - - - - - - - - -



Is there an unquestionable Logic, an absolute Evidence or a perfect Truth? The estimation of a theory is not simply 

determined by its truth. It also depends upon the importance of its subject, and the extent of its applications; beyond 

which something must still be left to the arbitrariness of human opinion.


In one respect, the science of logics differs from all others; the perfection of its method is chiefly valuable as an 

evidence of the speculative truth of its principles. To supersede the employment of common reason, or to subject it to 

the rigour of technical forms, would be the last desire of one who knows the value of that intellectual toil and warfare which

 imparts to the mind an athletic vigour, and teaches it to contend with difficulties and to rely upon itself in emergencies.


That which renders logic possible, is the existence in our minds of general notions, - our ability to conceive of a

class, and to designate its individual members by a common name. The theory of logic is thus intimately connected

with that of  language. A successful attempt to express logical propositions by symbols, the laws of whose combinations 

should be founded upon the laws of the mental processes which they represent, would, so far, be a step towards a 

philosophical language.


Regarding logic as a branch of philosophy, and defining philosophy as the “science of a real existence,” and “the research 

of causes,” and assigning as its main business the investigation of the “why,” while mathematics display only the “that,” 

we contend, not simply, that the superiority rests with the study of logic.


The pursuits of the mathematician, or the technician, “have not only not trained him to that acute scent,” to that 

delicate, almost instinctive, tact which, in the twilight of probability, the search and discrimination of its finer facts demand; 

they have gone to cloud his vision, to indurate his touch, to all but the blazing light, the iron chain of demonstration, and 

left him out of the narrow confines of his science, to a passive credulity in any premises, or to an absolute incredulity in all.


It is an important observation, which has more than once been made, that it is one thing to arrive att correct premises, 

and another thing to deduce logical conclusions, and that the business of life depends more upon the former than upon the 

latter. The study of the exact sciences may teach us the one, and it may give us some general preparation of knowledge 

and of practice for the attainment of the other, but it is to the union of thought with action, in the field of Practical Logic, 

the arena of Human Life, that we are to look for its fuller and more perfect accomplishment.


If we want to study the problems of truth and falsehood, of the agreement and disagreement of propositions with reality, of 

the nature of assertion, assumption and question, we shall with great advantage look at primitive forms of language in 

which these forms of thinking appear without confusing background of highly complicated processes of thought.


When we look at such simple forms of language, the mental mist which seems to enshroud our ordinary use of language 

disappears. We see activities, reactions, which are clear-cut and transparent. On the other hand we recognize in these 

simple processes forms of language not separated by a break from our more complicated ones. We see that we can build 

up the complicated forms from the primitive ones by gradually adding new forms.


Whether e g “Brick” means the same in the primitive language as it does in ours; this goes with our contention that 

the simpler language is not therefore an incomplete form of the more complicated one. We make it plain that words 

have the meanings we give them, and that it would be a confusion to think of an investigation into their real meaning.


If you have not distinguished between a language and a notation, you may hardly see any difference between following 

a language and following a notation. But in that case you may well be unclear about the difficulties in connection with 

the relation between language and logic. Much of all this can be answered by emphasizing that speaking and writing 

belong to intercourse with other people. The signs get their life there, and that is why the language is not just a mechanism.


What is the meaning of a word? Let us attack this question by asking, first, what is an explanation of the meaning of a 

word; what does the explanation of a word look like? The way this question helps us is analogous to the way the question 

“how do we measure a length?” helps us to understand “what is length?”


Asking first “What’s an explanation of meaning?” has two advantages. You in a sense bring the question “what is meaning?” 

down to earth. For, surely, to understand the meaning of “meaning” you ought also to understand the meaning of “

explanation of meaning”.


What one generally calls “explanations of the meaning of a word” can, very roughly, be divided into verbal and ostensive 

definitions. If the definition explains the meaning of a word, surely it can’t be essential that you should have heard the word 

before. It is the ostensive definition’s business to give it a meaning.


I point this out to remove, once and for all, the idea that the words of the ostensive definition predicate something of the 

defined; the confusion is grave between the sentence “this is red”, attributing the colour red to something, and the 

ostensive definition “this is called red”.


Giving a reason for something one did or said means showing a way which leads to this action. At this point, 

however, another confusion sets in, that between reason and cause. One is lead into this confusion by the ambiguous use 

of the word “why”. This when the chain of reasons has come to an end and still the question “why” is asked, one is inclined 

to give a cause instead of a reason.


The difference between the grammars of  “reason” and “cause” is quite similar to that between the grammars of 

“motive” and “cause”. Of the cause one can say that one can not know it but can only conjecture it. For a private 

detective / private investigator this is of vital importance de jure!


The double use of the word “why”, asking for the cause and asking for the motive, together with the idea that we can 

know, and not only conjecture, our motives, gives rise to the confusion that a motive is a cause of which we are immediately 

aware, a cause ‘seen from the inside’, or a cause experienced. Giving a reason is like giving a calculation by which you have 

arrived at a certain result.


Instead of “craving for legal generality” I could also have said “the contemptuous attitude towards the particular case”. 

If, e g, someone tries to explain the concept of number and tells us that such and such a definition will not do or is clumsy 

because it only applies to, say, finite cardinals I should answer that the mere fact that he could have given such a limited 

definition, of for example a crime sequence, makes this definition extremely important to us. (Elegance is not what we are 

trying for as truth seekers.)


Philosophy, as we use the word, is a fight against the fascination which forms of expression exert upon us. Many questions 

can be raised. Sokrates asked: “What is knowledge?” Saint Augustine asked: “What is time?” –“How can we hang a thief who 

does not exist?” One answer to the latter can, by a private detective – private investigator, be put in this form: “We can not 

hang him when he does not exist, but we can look for him when he does not exist.”


Our investigative method is purely descriptive; the descriptions we give are not hints of explanations. Think of words as 

instruments characterized by their use [...] “It is no act of insight which makes us use the rule-s as we do,” because there is 

an idea that ‘something must make us’ do what we do. And this again joins on to the confusion between cause and reason. 

We need have no reason to follow the rules as we do. The chain of reasons has an end.


Many pundits will say, no doubt, please use the language of the law, that “to make out your case”. This may be the practice in 

law, but it is not the usage of reason. My ultimate object is only the truth. Reason feels its way, in its search for the true.


Many find it sagacious to echo the small talk of lawyers, who, for the most part, content themselves with echoing the 

rectangular precepts of the courts. I would here observe that very much of what is rejected as evidence by a court is the best 

evidence to the intellect. For the court, guided itself by the general principles of evidence – the recognised and booked 

principles – is averse from swerving at particular instances.


You can be too profound. Truth is not always in a well. In fact, as regards the more important knowledge, I do believe 

that she is invariably superficial. The depth lies in the valleys where we seek the truth, and not upon the mountain-tops 

where the truth is found.


Investigating serious crime and fraud globally, I can not abstain from reflecting over that a man is not what he does so much 

as what he is allowed to do; otherwise what would each of us not do to change the world and our lives...


The future will tell us what to do; more than ever we live for the moment, and no amount of looking back or forward 

offers any explanation or guide, only a wall of impenetrable darkness.


(There are excerpts from Tractatus Logico-philosophicus herein.)


                                                                                - - - - - - - - - -


Modern business and private lives are complex, and many sang-froid judges realize not even they are equipped to parse the

facts; proximity to real power, though, is intoxicating – and misplaced pride melts away. Retaining an International Private 
Detective should be a “game-changer” – levelling the playing field; not looking sheepish – without proof or evidence.


Throughout college- and university, I worked as a shop/department store detective, ordinary guard, heavily armed body-guard

for Ambassadors / Charge d’Affaires from Germany, England, Yugoslavia, the U.S., Iran and Russia, as well as within the

Swedish Penitentiary / Prison Authority; later as chairman of an authorized guard- and patrol company, and as an
international legal administrator, approved by Swedish courts, in Poland, Russia and Ukraine.


My partners and associates may on occasion exceed me in experience and ability, alas and albeit, the private detective

team courage d'esprit will always be decisive and of paramount importance.


A crisis is a terrible thing to waste – and should worse come to worse – it’s not part of private detectives’ job description to

add mirth to the party, but provide and demonstrate solid, tangible, admissible evidence and stark proof....
Thank you for reading my introduction.


Yours sincerely,

Claes Reinhold Ekman

Claes Reinhold Ekman

Walhallen Detective Group


Private Detective - Private Investigator
Claes Ekman at a recent recruitment venue of a new Regional Private Detective - Private Investigator Europe.

Private Detective, Claes Ekman, Walhallen Europadetektiv, Bureau Ekman, internet, cyber, security, fraud, Sweden, USA, Europe, Stockholm, New York, Dallas, Germany, Berlin, Russia, Moscwow
Private Detective Claes Ekman - Walhallen Europadetektiv - on a Cyber-security / Internet Mission in Central Europe.